Men’s Health
Abraham Morgentaler, MD, FACS Testosterone Therapy for Life
Millions of men needlessly suffer from low sex drive, loss of energy, and diminished enthusiasm for life—because of low levels of the male hormone testosterone. Normal levels can be readily restored using simple testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)—but in many audiences, those very words evoke the responses we commonly attribute to the hormone itself: rage, aggression,…
Read MoreTreatment Options for Andropause
TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR ANDROPAUSE Bruce Biundo, R.Ph. P.C.C.A. Pharmacy Consulting Department March 7, 2002 Andropause is a condition of hormonal imbalance and may be related to declining levels of testosterone, elevated levels of estrogens, or a mixture of both. After proper diagnosis, including a screening of testosterone and estrogen levels, therapy has been shown to…
Read MoreProhormones and Hormone Metabolic Modifiers
Treating Andropause: Prohormones and Hormone Metabolic Modifiers by Bruce Biundo, BS Pharm, RPh An excerpt from an article in the International Journal of Pharmaceutical Compounding Andropause, which is also referred to as male menopause, has been the focus of increasing attention during the past few years in the medical and popular press. Researchers and writers…
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