What Is Compounding?
The creation of unique compounded medications designed to fit the unique needs of a patient is known as Pharmaceutical Compounding. This is where ingredients and medications are combined in the precise strengths and dosages required for a patient in the context of their specific needs. The benefit of allowing the compounding pharmacist to work with the patient and their doctor is it produces a customized medication that will meet the patient’s specific needs better than otherwise.
Pharmaceutical compounding has its uses from medically necessary reasons to optional reasons. Some patients may need compounded medications they are highly dependent on, while others may seek pharmaceutical compounding to help increase their quality of life. In all cases, it represents a more granular and precise way to maximize the benefits of combined medication in the context of the given patients own chemistry.

Compounded medications for you
Physicians may prescribe an individually compounded medication for a patient with an unusual health need. This allows the physician to tailor a prescription to each individual. Compounding preparations are especially useful for:
- Patients requiring an individualized compounded formulation to be developed by the pharmacist
- Patients who cannot take commercially prepared prescriptions
- Patients requiring limited dosage strengths, such as a very small dose for infants
- Patients requiring a different formulation, such as turning a pill into a liquid or transdermal gel for people who cannot swallow pills due to disability
- Patients requiring an allergen-free medication, such as one without gluten or colored dyes
- Patients who absorb or excrete medications abnormally
- Patients who need drugs that have been discontinued by pharmaceutical manufacturers because of low profitability
- Patients facing a supply shortage of their normal drug
- Children who want flavored additives in liquid drugs, usually so that the medication tastes like candy or fruit
Over The Counter Compounding
We make several compounds that you can purchase over the counter as well. We have creams for bug bites, burns, and sunburn. We also make topicals for headaches and inflammation due to arthritis. We make nose sprays and snore stopping sprays as well.
Vitamins are another item we can compound. We make a mixture of selenium, zinc, and magnesium that is great for people with thyroid issues. We also make a men's pro-hormone that is great for men who suffer from low hormone levels, low libido and hair loss.
- Veterinary medicine, for a change in dose, changes to a more easily administered form (such as from a pill to a liquid or transdermal gel), or to add a flavor more palatable to the animal. In the United States, compounded veterinary medicine must meet the standards set forth in the Animal Medicinal Drug Use Clarification Act (AMDUCA)
- Many types of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy