What is Individualized Care?
Instead of waiting for a doctor long hours and receive a treatment that might not even work, consider a different route: individualized care. No more getting a cookie cutter prescription or seeing a doctor who does not even remember you from the last time you visited. Individualized care is the ultimate route to go for the best care and results around.
At its core, individualized care is care that is planned to meet the particular needs of one patient instead of applying the same routine and prescription to all patients. Because custom care is more personal, you have a higher chance of not only receiving better results, but actually enjoying working with your doctor to solve the issue at hand. It is no longer one-size-fits-all kinds of prescription, but more case by case issues that are solved personally.
What better way to feel better than to go to someone who will sit and listen to your situation? Having individualized care offered to you can produce even better results than anywhere else.

Why Do you Need the Personalization?
Having a person dedicated to your case scenario that will help solve whatever is at hand is the biggest takeaway from receiving individualized care. The best part is being able to receive care that does not feel like a general script that everyone else gets. Because it is more personalized than any other pharmacy visits and getting generic care, receiving individualized care can ensure long-term success for your health.
Having someone pay attention to your care and figure out closely what is going on has fantastic benefits. It can mean pinpointing what the problem is and even feeling better sooner. Having someone put your symptoms under a microscope and solve the problem is the greatest benefit of you'll get.
Who Can Have Individualized Care?
This individualized care can be used for any kind of person, but especially for the children and the elderly. Both children and elderly individuals need individualized care because they are both at stages of their lives that needs extra medical attention. Whether they are developing as children or facing any medical issues as older adults, individualized care is the way to make sure everyone is getting the medical attention they need.
Anyone who is a child that needs medical attention can receive it with individualized care that will make taking medication as fun as eating a lollipop. In fact, their medicine can come in lollipop form! There are many different flavored options for medicine that is non-addictive for children that can make taking their medicine fun instead of painful or annoying. Individualized care can also mean their medication comes in smaller doses that is not hazardous to their health.
Those who are older adults can also receive their medication through individualized care in forms that is easier for them to intake. This can be either in the form of roll-ons, clickers, and combined drug creams for any pain, soreness, wounds, scrapes, burns, or irritations the elderly person has. It can even mean personalizing any flavor options for elderly patients with difficult stomach issues.
While children and elderly individuals are two examples of how individualized care can cater towards certain groups of people, it can also be created for anyone who needs it. Flavored medicine and drug creams can be personalized for individuals who prefer personalized care over a generic doctor’s visit.
In fact, individualized care can also provide you with the option of compounding your medication. Having compounded medicine means combining ingredients and medications in the precise strengths and dosages required for a patient’s specific need. This form of medication is the epitome of individualized care – it allows the patient and their doctor to really customize medication that will meet the patient’s need better than regular medicine. Compounding medicine works best for situations such as being unable to swallow pills, having unpleasant side effects from other medications, or having an allergy, such as peanuts or gluten. It can also help with any medication that is not mass-produced.
Combining our custom care and compounding medicine can help you achieve the best medical result to make you feel better as soon as possible.
How to Get Individualized Care
Now that you understand the importance of individualized care and want it for yourself, the next question begs: how do I even get my own kind of individualized care?
A consultation is the easiest way to begin the process. With a consultation, you can meet with specialists who have gone through many health trials of their own. Because it is so individualized, the knowledge and wisdom the experts have will be given to you so you can expect the best results for your health. At your consultation, they can determine what medical procedures would be appropriate for your medical situation. It is the best way to determine what exactly is the problem at hand and how individualized care can best help you.
Once at your consultation, both the patient and the doctor can decide what are the next steps. Whether it means compounding the medicine, returning for another visit, or specialized medicine, having custom care means you are receiving the best advice offered around.
Get Individualized Care at Sherry's Drug
If you’re looking forward to receiving individualized care to help solve whatever ails you, Sherry’s Drug is the best fit for you. Since 1982 based in Edmond, Oklahoma, Sherry’s Drug has helped individuals like you feel better in the best way possible through their specialized in many areas of care. Their specialty is helping you find customized medicine that will help resolve you of any medical ailments. Many of their services are not offered anywhere else, making Sherry’s Drug the best place to help with any medical situation you may have.
Sherry’s Drug is very well-known in the area and offer services and products that are unique. For more information on individualized care at Sherry’s Drug, please contact us at (405) 341-1683.