We have many specialized services you won't find at other pharmacies. Make sure you check out all that we offer.
We know you need your refills in a timely and friendly manner. Team up with a pharmacy that understands your needs.
We hire people who love people. We are people driven. We offer a lot and expect questions. Please call and ask!
Our Services
Sherry Atwood

A few of the things we specialize in:
- Menopause Education
- Thyroid Testing
- Bio-Identical Hormone Testing For Men And Women With A Personal Consultation
- In-Store Compounding Laboratory
- Cholesterol Testing And Immunization
- DME Medical Equipment Rental And Sales
- Homeopathic Remedies including Ear Candles, Neti-Pots
- Jobst Compression Hose, FLA Braces For Knees, Wrists, Ankles, Etc.
- Wellness Exams Offered By Dr. Shelly Jacobs, MD.
- HCG Diet Consultations
Numbers We Are Proud Of
Years In Business
Sherry's Drug is here to stay. We've been here from the start and grew as Edmond did.
Clients Served
We've helped so many, it is hard to count. We invite you to join the family and experience the difference.
Compounded Medication
We are known for being a successful compounding pharmacy with other specialized services.
Check Out Our New Lab!

Are We Ready?
You bet! With 2019 around the corner, sweeping changes are coming to the pharmaceutical world of compounding. You can learn more about it here. Bottom line, since we specialize in compounding, we are ALREADY compliant!
Come check out Sherry's Drug in Edmond and experience all of the specialized services we have to offer. Whether you need a simple refill, hormone testing, compounding solutions for pets, pain management, or any of our other services we are here for you!